Estates Operations (Nucleus)

The Estates Operations (Nucleus) of Ghana Rubber Estate Limited, the backbone of the Company, is the custodian of all the plantations, lands, and other properties of the company.

The Estates Operations employs the greatest number of the workforce of Ghana Rubber Estate Limited.

The nucleus encompasses sub-departments such as the Nursery, Development, Department of Techniques and Control (DTC), Survey, Garage, and Transport, etc.

It oversees the nursery thus planting, Tapping (Harvesting), and Transportation of Latex to the Factories.

As of December 2021, GREL, a natural rubber producing company has a concession size of 21,747 hectares (ha) of which 16,017ha is State Land and the remaining portion of 5,730ha being Stool/Family Lands. The distribution of the concession per Region is as follows:

  1. Western Region = 19,849ha (State Land- 16,017ha & Stool/Family Land – 4,123ha).
  2. Central Region = 809ha (Stool/Family Lands)
  3. Eastern Region = 800ha (Stool Lands)


Mature or area under production=12,113.1ha

Immature (trees less than 6 years and not in production)=3,119.1ha

Nursery = 124ha

Oil Palm = 204.2ha

Other Use (Building, Factories, Roads, etc) = 3,197ha

Area under conservation / biodiversity = 1,875ha


The graph below gives a picture view of the produce of the Nucleus so far


Latex and so much more…